Tuesday 5 April 2011

Glassjaw @ HMV Forum 30/03/2011

They say go hard or go home. Glassjaw opine for the former. when they go at all that is. a band with a sound like few others, Glassjaw have developed a cult and fervent following over the past decade or so since the release of Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Silence in 2000, a following who have hung on for a third album since 2002's Worship and Tribute. Despite the Chinese Democracy timescale Glassjaw have kept fans waiting, releasing the odd vinyl or single. On the current tour US fans could pay a little extra for their ticket and receive a poster commemorating Glassjaw's gig in the town, tonight the UK fans each receive a copy of a new album.

The early birds got to catch Napalm Death tonight, I arrived just as they had finished, meeting friends there. There's a sign by the merch stand for all those looking for the CD "Free "Coloring Book" CD will be given out as you exit after the show. Yes, there is enough for everyone. No, I don't have any to give you now."

We make our way to the front, the lights dim and an unassuming four piece walk out. One of the things i have always liked about Glassjaw live is the lack of swagger, they often play in a line at the front of the stage, this time guitarist Justin Beck, bassist Manuel Carrero and drummer Durijah Lang play from the back of the stage while frontman Daryl Palumbo prowls around in front, screaming, wailing, singing and pouring his heart and voice out. Behind them a large green Cuban flag hangs down and a few lights brighten the stage.

They open with the crash bang wallop of You Think You're (John Fucking Lennon) one of those few songs released since Worship and Tribute. The crowd surge and sing back, a pit develops and smiles cross many faces. In the past numerous live dates have been cancelled due to Daryl's health its just  nice to have them here and tonight they play a storming set across their two albums and EPs.

The night continues through Tip Your Bartender and Mu Empire. there are particular sing a longs for Pink Roses, All Good Junkies Go To Heaven and Two Tabs of Mescaline.

A few songs in the grills behind the band light up and display the green Cuban flag, so far so nice, during the songs though they are equalisers changing colour with the decibels. they are images, they display messages at the end of the main set about picking up "Coloring Book" on your way out. The main set ends with a crowd pleasing, teeth gnashing Siberian Kiss.  Daryl who has thrown himself around the stages shimmies to Beck's intricate guitar during this initial finale, he enunciates his lyrics and mimes shooting a kiss in the shape of a bullet into the crowd.

Most bands with a sound anything like Glassjaw's would spend their time thrashing around stage as they play grinding riffs and sing about leading whores to water but not this band. Justin Beck stands in one place, he nods his head to the beat and swoops and sways Les Paul in hand. The same goes for Carrero, he nods and bops to the bass riffs which come up and around Beck's riffs. If Glassjaw are different to most bands on the hardcore scene it may be down to their intricate sound, listen closely to the bass lines or riffs and a picture emerges of a great band.

After a brief break the band return for their encore. Daryl tells the crowd he wants to play a few new songs they like before the band proceed to play their new Coloring Book EP in its entirety. It's an odd choice, it was good to hear the new songs, Gold somewhat lacked the energy of its recorded self while others sounded overly long and dipped into shoegaze or jazz fusion. The majority of the crowd, whipped into a fervour by the incendiary Siberian Kiss stood stock still bemused, if it wasn't for the free CD some may have left. One of my friends leant over and told me if he didn't know the band and they were playing these songs he'd leave, i had to agree. Listening to the CD later the songs weren't all that bad but felt like a damp squib after the excitement and hype of the previous hour or so. It was a shame the gig ended on a low, had the songs been interspersed into the main set no one would have complained but the crowd wanted a little more.

The band refer to Coloring Book as an album, but at 6 tracks its more of an EP, a bridge until a new album proper perhaps, but with Glassjaw its impossible to tell.